CVE’s Line Division installed 15 miles of 138kv transmission line between Beaver and Milford, UT over very rough and steep terrain for the Cameron to Milford 138kv Transmission Line and Substation Upgrade.
The topography of this area presented several challenges for construction and required a team approach. Grade Tech Services supplied CVE with track equipment and clearing/grubbing services so CVE crews could traverse the mountainous terrain.
Lohman Helicopters assisted CVE in pulling and installing a majority of the transmission line. They also assisted in setting many of the structures, with some poles placed on a 70-degree grade. This project was located on BLM land, which required a wildlife monitor and range biologist to be on-site at all times to protect wildlife and potential artifacts.
CVE also added two new 138kv bays in the Cameron Substation and completed the work while keeping the existing substation energized. This portion of the project included electrical upgrades and concrete work.